“We are EXPERTS in Pool Inspections. We are AUTHORITATIVE. (we use State of the Art Leak Detection Equipment and Methodology manufactured by LEAKTRONICS, Recognized Internationally) and TRUSTWORTHY (we stand by our work and do it right the first time).”
“We provide a SOLUTION TO AN EXPERT POOL INSPECTION, allowing the Real Estate Transaction to be TRANSPARENT AND SEAMLESS regarding the pool. THIS PROTECTS ALL PARTIES INVOLVED IN THE TRANSACTION. We personally go over the detailed report with the buyer or seller and realtors present. We educate people as to why they want the pool water properly Balanced and Sanitized.”
Global Pools
“We Perform Pool Inspections in ALL AREAS of South Florida, including Broward, Palm-Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Collier, Lee, Glades, and Hendry Counties.
We perform Swimming Pool Inspections & Leak Detection's throughout the United States.”
“You should know that we are on time, thorough, and issue you an educational detailed report (not a check list), which photos written on of your pools condition.” Our Pool Inspection & Leak Detection Reports are Concise, Thorough and Comprehensive so unlike other Pool Inspection/ Leak Detection Companies, WE DON’T MISS ANY ISSUES WITH YOUR POOL!
“We don’t invent problems. We are not looking to recreate the pool. We locate FUNCTION FLAWS within the pool.” We save you money by noting any problems with the pool (that a home inspector would miss), and providing recommendations on the cost of repairing an item(s) so the real estate sale goes through and the pool problem doesn’t balloon into more costly problems to repair after the sale. IN A POOL, ITS WHAT YOU DON’T SEE THAT COSTS YOU MONEY.
We make your pool inspection transparent and seamless.
Our educational detailed inspection report (not a checklist) with photos goes through 30 items, which includes a comprehensive water analysis, ( chlorine, PH, stabilizer, alkalinity, and calcium); the current condition of all accessible components of the pool/ spa or hot tub equipment and surrounding environment, including a safety checkup of the pool and pool area.
“We note the condition of the filter and it’s locking ring, and multi-port valve, pump and motor age by serial number, making sure everything is hooked up and connected according to the manufacturers recommendations and industry standards. Water flows back into the pool, and whether returns are working, filtration pump, pressure gauges, chlorination, salt systems and tablet heaters, salt cell for salt pools, heater, automatic cleaner, underwater lights, LED lighting with ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI), electrical safety, time clock in automation, valves, pool walls, pool interior surface for cracking, delamination, pitted, scaled or stained, decking and drainage, beam, tile, coping, stairs, skimmers, Auto- Fill, Water features such as fountains, bubblers, blowers, laminars, deck jets, cascades, spouted, water falls, grottos, visible signs of leak in circulation area, negative edge and water features, fencing and child barriers, pool gate and lock, Pool Covers, Above Ground Pools condition of ingress/ egress of steps, ladders and handrails, diving boards and slides, cracks, signs of damage or repairs, trip hazards, ground movement, and structural issues, i.e. LEAKS, stairs, main drains”

Shock Alert is a device used to detect the presence of electrical voltage gradients in water that may be hazardous to a swimmer or person coming into contact with a body of water. Electrical voltage can be the result of a number of factors, including but not limited to a faulty electrical connection, frayed wires or an improperly grounded wire oN a light, boat fountain, pump dock, etc. Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) and other electrical safety equipment can become impaired and fail and may not protect against electricity present in water. When a swimmer is in or enters into electrified water, the electricity present will typically take the path of least electrical resistance; through the swimmers body. If the voltage differential is sufficiently Hightower current flowing through the swimmers body can electrocute the swimmer and could result in temporary paralysis due the ability to swim. This phenomenon is known as Electrical Shock Drowning (ESD). Each year in the United States, there are reported cases of electrical shock in water, several which led to death or serious injury. Unfortunately, many of these incidents are recorded as a drowning rather than an Electrical Shock Drowning.
Shock Alert has three probes on the base of the device designed to detect this potentially dangerous voltage gradient(s) in water. It proves a visual and audible alert to the existence of potentially hazardous voltage conditions In the body of water. Shock alert can be used in fresh water, chlorinated water and salt water pools. Shock alert will detect voltage gradients in concrete, gunite and vinyl lined Pools. Due to its insulating effects, Shock Alert is NOT FOR USE in Fiberglass Pools and Hot Tubs.
If you are considering Purchasing a Home with a Pool or if you are under contract performing Due Diligence of the home, you may have had a general property inspection company access the home’s condition. However, they don’t have the extensive EXPERT KNOWLEDGE that we have to give you the most detailed, accurate assessment of the pool’s condition.
If you are Selling a Home and want to make sure there aren’t any problems with the pool that could delay or cancel a Real Estate Sale, call us to perform a pool inspection. You can then share our report with any potential buyers to show them that you’re on top of maintaining your property and they can feel confident in buying it.
If you have any type of Commercial Establishment with a Pool; Condominium, Apartment Building; Hotel/Motel, etc., we can perform an Expert Pool Inspection, since we Service Commercial Pools and know the applicable State Statute(s) that State Inspectors from the County Health Department utilize when Inspecting a Commercial Pool.
Are You Looking for a Professional Swimming Pool Inspection from a Professional Company?

A pool inspection can be invaluable when purchasing a new home. With how expensive pools can be, it would be untimely to have to put a lot of money into it, after your close on the home. That's where it makes complete sense to get a pool inspection.
Who do you choose or where do you begin? You want to make sure the company you choose is a. Guess what? Global Pools is NSPF Certified in Pool Inspection. Also, you want to make sure they are covered with Error & Omissions Insurance. We are insured for that as well. Our Inspection reports are routinely 20-30 pages long. We follow a comprehensive checklist, so we don't miss anything in your pool.
You can also get a pool inspection just so you know that status of your equipment. Because we are a Licensed Pool Contractor, we can also add the value of catching code issues such as a non-compliant drain cover or a timer that isn't grounded, so contact us and we will get you taken care of.
A home with a pool can be a great benefit and asset. However, A pool can be one of the biggest headaches that will never go away if its in decline. It is a smart idea to get a pool inspection for a home purchase. Home Inspections generally DO NOT cover pools. If it is included, it will never be as thorough as a dedicated Pool Inspection. Our Pool Inspections cover every aspect of your pool area to ensure what you're getting is what you're paying for. Don’t Buy a headache!
NSPF CPI. CERTIFIED: This Certification ensures that the Company you choose, will do a thorough and quality inspection for your pool. You should know everything about the condition of the pool, and its equipment when buying a home. Why risk it? Let us help your pool buying experience be worry free!
“Starting at $475”
Having Insurance on your home is required if you're financing. Help lower your rates by completing a Pool Inspection to verify your pool is in good operating condition. Your thorough 20-30 page report will ensure your insurance company does not look at your pool as a huge liability!
“Starting at $475”
If you're a first time buyer, or someone who's never owned a pool before, it would be a great idea to get an inspection of your pool equipment if you don't know what you're looking for. Your Pool equipment is responsible for circulating and cleansing your water while making it safe to swim in. If its not working properly, you could be putting your family at risk. Why take the chance? Let us help!
“Starting at $475”
There’s nothing worse than being in a constant worry out your pool and wondering if it is operating as it should be. Is my equipment supposed to make that sound? Why is the water not moving in the pool? Eliminate that worry and get an inspection done! We will explain what is happening, why it is happening and how it can be fixed. We are standing by for you!
NSPF CPI CERTIFIED: This Certification shows you that Global Pools will do a thorough and quality inspection for your pool. You should know everything about the condition of the pool and it’s equipment when buying a home. Why risk it? Let us your pool buying experience be worry free!
View our CPI Certification here!
For some pool companies, pool inspections are another way to cultivate service and repair work, a clear conflict of interest. We avoid any self- serving impropriety by maintaining our independence.