Expert Witness Testimony

Do you need professional help over the phone or facetime?

We Provide Expert Witness Testimony

Do you know how to clean a Pool? If not, Global Pools consultation service could be very beneficial for you. Not only will you learn how to clean a pool, we can teach you some troubleshooting that would take a longtime to learn on your own.

There really are a lot of situations you'll encounter if you choose to take care of your pool on your own. What chemicals do I add? My water level is low, so am I damaging my pump? The questions go on and on. However, with the consulting service, you will have a qualified professional speaking to you to solve your problems.

All you have to do is check out with PayPal below (all major cards accepted) and then fill out the consultation form below. The rate is $150 for 60 minutes  of phone calls, emails, texts, and FaceTime.

A black and white logo for a work detection company.