Which Variable Speed Pump To Buy
The pumps listed here are all Energy Star Certified. Pentair/Sta-Rite is the only company to win Energy Star Partner of the year 4 years in a row. Make sure the pump your buy has the ”Energy Star” sticker on it or you are wasting your money.

That’s a tough question to answer over the internet. There is a lot to consider before installing a pump. The best thing to do is have someone like GLOBAL POOLS come out to see what would be the best fit for your application, Here are a few models that we have had huge successes with our clients.
Pentair IntelliFlo Variable Speed Pump
This is the flagship pump line for Pentair and is the most efficient of their pumps too. They work extremely well with their automation and has the most capability as far as settings go. Super quiet, moves water and comes in a variety of different models for any set up. If you don’t need the 3 HP it delivers they have the 11 and 12 (1HP and 2HP respectively) to accommodate less flow requirements. One model of intelliFlo also has the VS + SVRS which is a safety feature to prevent entrapment on drain covers or vacuum lines.
Pentair SuperFlo variable Speed Pump
This is a great choice for a variable speed pump. This pump can run off either a 120V or 240V set up. It automatically chooses the right setup. It does include unions for removing the wet end easily. It has a few less settings (schedules) than the bigger model and works well with either a 1.5” or 2’ plumbing; if you don’t’ have a lot of water features, and automation this is the pump for you.

This is Sta-Rite’s flagship line of variable speed pumps that share a lot in common with pentair’s IntelliFlo. All the electronics are the same including the settings and schedules. The main difference besides the colorless is this pump comes with unions and the pump comes apart just like their single speed Dura-Glass counterpart. This allows easy maintenance like cleaning out the impeller. It also has a VS + SVRS model.
Sta-Rite SuperMax Variable Speed Pump
This is the SuperMax VS pump by Sta-Rite. With the exception of color, it is 100% identical to the Pentair SuperFlo VS. It comes with unions and simple interface. It comes in the fixed 1.5 HP like the SuperFlo. Instead of saying “Pentair” it says “Sta-Rite”.
You can find their entire line of pumps by clicking this link!

Now that you have a new pump make sure you choose someone licensed to make sure your pump is installed correctly and set up to save you the most money. A Licensed Contractor has insurance and knowledge and will ensure that you’re warranty is in good standing which is “conditioned” that you have a “qualified”, i.e licensed contractor install your pump. You can rest assured that GLOBAL POOLS is a Certified Licensed Pool & Spa Contractor (CPC1459496, RP252555536, CC#20-SP-21883-X, U-22433) here in Florida! We are able to extend a minimum of a 2 year warranty with any of the variable speed pumps we install. Some are even 3 years. That’s coverage worth paying for!
Here is Pentair’s Warranty Information.